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Is it good to workout in summer? 7 Points We Discuss Here!

Is it good to workout in summer?

In Summer we are more likely to get tired exhausted and dehydrates. People often search Is it good to workout in summer? Exercises which we would generate lots of heat in your body, should be totally avoided. Hence utmost care has to be taken during summer specially in the routines of persons exercises. Exercises which we would generate lots of heat in your body, should be totally avoided. We should know exactly what types of exercises we should do during summer. Usually we like to do certain active exercises but we should control ourselves, we should try and do something which will bring relaxation, calmness and cooling effect in our body to cope up with this hot summer. So here are few points you should always consider while exercising in summer. Summer session workout guidance you can also find here

Remember always drink juices after exercise, sweating means loss of nutrients, loss of electrolytes, loss of minerals and vitamins. So we have to be extra careful to see that these things are supplemented in our body.

 What should you do?

First:-   just water will not help, what would help is? Fruit juice, so have watermelon juice, best is coconut water. maintain hydrated is very necessary for your body, it also important for your gut and stomach health. During exercise you are sweat more, so in that case adequate fluids only help you to do some physical activities.   

Second:-  Do summer friendly exercise Chandrabhedhan, Pranayam, Seetali, Sitkari all this becomes very very important, very often in a day person should do two or three rounds of this pranayama regularly. This exercises are choose by majority of people in summer season because they are very easy to do and also less hard work. Do these physical exercises, I am sure you will be definitely beneficial in  your summer workout. 

 What do we do in the Seetali?

What do we do in Seetali, in the Seetali pranayam you are breathing in and breathing out slowly for sometimes and then rolling your tongue, we should try and breathe in from tongue so that that humidity of our tongue bring the air cooling into our system. 

What do we do in:-

The Sitkari Pranayam?

Another could be Sitkari Pranayam, in the sitkari only the mouth position is little different, here you are spreading your lips fixing your tongue between two teeth, tongue is wet and then breathing in from mouth. So this is how air comes in, humid and wet and that cools your system.

The Chandrabhedan Pranayam?

Third Pranayam is Chandrabhedan, Chandra Nadi is left nose hole so you inhale from chandranadi and exhale from suryanari (Right Nose hole) again inhale from chandranadi exhale from suryanari. Go on doing these, workout in summer is veery crucial for your health. Do all these pranayamas two or three times in a day for 10 to 15 rounds and that would help you tremendously in coping with heat. As far as asanas concerned, best asanas would be lying down asanas.They are so relaxing yet they give very good exercise to your body or mind, it would really give you good help your body to remain flexible in hot climate that’s why body is flexible. Still this is going to add to your benefit. So trying to lying down exercise.

workout in summer: What are the risk of exercising in hot weather?

The main risk are Heat Stroke and Dehydration.

Heat Stroke happened when your body not able to cool for a long period itself, usually its happened through Sweating.

Dehydration happened when your body does not have enough water or fluids to  maintained appropriate function. For adequate hydration you should take more fluids, just water will not help, what would help is? Fruit juice, so have watermelon juice, best is coconut water. 

The best among laying down asana is Yastikasana, stick pose. Another is, Join your leg together in Bhadrasana position all this in lying down. And move your knees up and down like Butterfly movement 

Third would be, cross your legs, Matsyasana. Both arms up and lying down. 

Forth Could be Paryankasana, in the Prayankasana fold your leg on the side another leg on the side and keep lying down, see that your spine touches the ground.

 Fifth would be Hastapadangushthasana, Hastapadangushthasana is very good exercise for the whole leg, entire from Waste downwards is one side core exercise will  automatically and good circulation to the whole body.

Is it good to workout in summer?

 Is it good to workout in summer? We must know the exercises that should be avoided. In summer, we must listen to your body more religiously. Understand, then body feel tired don’t do exercise do just relaxation. When you are feeling fit and fine do some exercise but summer friendly exercises only. Excessive weight lifting exercises should be totally avoided or calisthenics exercises should be avoided, Running, Jumping all that should be avoided. You may do one round of some difficult asanas like Suryanamaskar, Suryanamaskar you should do maximum of three rounds and not more than that.

workout in summer: How can you exercise safely in the summer heat?

Try and understand that your body needs more colling and relaxation during summer, so walking in a relaxed way is a very good exercise on nature. Swimming is another very good exercise but see that after swimming you are relaxing for sometime. After walking also you are relaxing for sometime. The relaxing is intermittently is very very important in hot climate. Certain Pranayamas like breathing in and holding your breathe should be avoided. Long exhalation and stopping for sometime is pretty much ok. So try and be careful and do these things if at all minimum. For more guidance on Fat Loss Exercise and Gym Workout Plan you can visit our site

What kind of workout outfits should you choose in the hot summer?

You should wear a light weight and with breathable material clothes for your comfortable and to avoid from infection like fungal infections in your private area.

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